Friday, December 31, 2010

Giving Up Stuff

Every year, my resolution is to quit more things.

I gave up being a blonde. I started being a blonde as a result of a well water accident in 2001. We had poured bleach down our well to clean it and must have used too much bleach. After I took a shower,   the water stripped all the color out of my hair. I was between jobs at the time, so trying a radically different look as an experiment was not disruptive. I didn't have to endure a day of shocked looks or comments. I just became blonde after that. But this year I decided it was making me look tired, so I gradually went back to my brown hair.

I gave up the newspaper. First I cut back to just Sunday. Then I got rid of Sunday, too, because it was like homework to feel like I was getting my money's worth. Then I even stopped looking at the paper at work. I am inundated with what's happening in the world through the Internet and social media.

Without the Sunday paper, I had fewer coupons. Then no coupons. So I stopped cutting out coupons. Sure, I pay full price for toilet paper now, but I also don't buy new products I don't really need just because I have a coupon.

I am pretty close to giving up Christmas. I finally told my family that I was not buying any of them gifts. They have everything they need. I don't enjoy shopping, especially when everyone has to have a gift at the same time, during a season when the stores are crowded, the weather is cold, and it gets dark so early. Why isn't Christmas in April when Jesus was actually born? Also, we did absolutely no decorating this year. None. Not even the little window tree came out. Which is great because this weekend I don't have to pack up any decorations.

There might be other things I gave up for good this year, but these are the big ones. I am at that age now where I can say with all sincerity that,"I am too old for this crap," and not put up with annoying people, insane coworkers, pointless family traditions, and a host of other things that people do just to be polite. Unlike those gay cowboys in "Brokeback Mountain," I do know how to quit you.


  1. I really enjoyed this. I gave up many of the same things this year, including giving up a lot of reality TV (but I'm still stuck on the Bachelor). I feel physically incapable of giving up my XM radio though - I love the talk shows in the morning on the way to work (I only have a 20 minute commute but it's kind of my favorite part of my day). As for your blonde hair, that's hilarious, and I think it must say a lot about your personality that you just went with it. I would have FREAKED out and gone to the stylist ASAP :)

  2. waited a long time from august till now...thought you had given up posting.. thanks for this one...sounds like a lot of giving up.. however for all those things you've left behind or burnt out on.. you are still a good writer & have something to say...

    sorry i'm still anonymous..besides there's a place for anonymity..i'm just a member of your audience..who's rooting for you.
